Learn to code like a professional martial art fighter. Measure your progress with the corresponding belt.
In martial arts, the belt system rewards the best students and shows their progress until they get to the highest rank after attaining a certain level of expertise. Based on that principle, we want to assign a rank to each student based on their progress. When a student joins the program they will get the first belt grade: a white belt. Moving forward with the modules they will get a new belt that will identify their grade. The following are all possible grades for the first round of the program:
Each belt represents a grade, but it is much more: it identifies a journey each student has taken. During this journey, the student will face different challenges and will have to learn and practise what they have learned.
At the end of this journey, all the acquired knowledge will be part of each student and will help them with their working career. The progress within the program will promote a student to a different level.